Thursday, 28 July 2016

Everchosen - Archaon - WIP#3

More work on Archaon this week, with my focus being on the Tzeetch head. Unfortunately it is taking me an age to paint. So many feathers. The process itself is actually very straight forward, it is simply the care and attention to the fine edge highlights that make this a time consuming process. It is also one of the reasons I have been working one each head a piece at a time, I think I would go stir crazy focusing on just this one before moving...

Monday, 11 July 2016

Everchosen - Archaon - WIP #2

Work has been slowly continuing on Dorghar, my focus being on laying on more of the base colours to each area to get a feel for how the finished model will look. Having already changed how I was going to do one of the larger areas of the model as a whole I didn't want to focus on each individual area to find that it just did not work when put together as a whole. That being said I am not currently 100% certain that the Nurgle head will tie into...

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Everchosen - Archaon - WIP #1

I've wanted to do a centerpiece for my Khorne army for a while now, and I also really wanted to paint Archaon because it is a beautiful model with a lot of different detail and areas to work on. Having also picked up a copy of the new Warhammer Quest and being gifted some old Skaven by Maelstrom my Chaos horde has clearly grown to include most of the pantheon, so it seemed fitting that I should have the Everchosen at the heart of this expanded force. I've...

Friday, 17 June 2016

Display - Ulrik the Slayer - Complete

So the last few weeks have been rather busy, which meant I missed posting further work in progress shots of Ulrik. In the end I did get him finished in time for the competition, so goal achieved. At the moment he is sat in the Warhammer Store cabinet so I haven't got any of my own completed shots of the model, so I have shamelessly lifted them from their Facebook page. I sort of rushed to finish him, so there are a few things unfinished...

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Display - Ulrik the Slayer - WIP #2

As you can see from the pictures below Ulrik is moving along nicely now. I've layed out the core of the colours now, managing to use three of my four competition colours across the main part of the body. The cape will be the final (deathworld forest) colour. I've had a play with light source based highlights on the armour, and whilst the effect is alright, it's nothing special in my eyes, but an interesting experiment none the less. The wolf pelts...

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Display - Ulrik the Slayer - WIP #1

Continuing on with my consistent inconsistency, I've finally managed to sit down and write a new post. Work is continuing to bust my balls so painting time has been at a bit of a premium still. However I have been focusing on a display level piece (well my display level at any rate), which is due to be entered into my local Warhammer Stores Birthday painting challenge competition at the start of June. The competition itself is to paint a model...

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Heresy Era - Space Wolves - Stormwolf - Paint #3

Well my time off of work proved to be productive and fruitful, just not with any miniature painting. Most of my time was spent decorating a large chunk of my house (a surprise for the other half that went down rather well thankfully). I did manage to build the Deathwatch game contents and start work on Archaon for my AoS army so it wasn't a total hobby whitewash. I did however get in a small game of 40k down at my local Warhammer store and, although...

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Heresy Era - Space Wolves - Grey Hunter Pack 2 - Paint #1

So work and real life have been kicking my arse this last month or so, leaving me rather short on hobby time in general. Thankfully things have eased off and I'm now a week or so away from having a week off work with which I can hopefully get up to speed again with my painting. I've managed to get the Stormwolf nearly completed, and I'm just lacking a backdrop large enough to photograph it against now. Once I remember to sort one I'll be updating...