Sunday 2 November 2014

Basing my Armies

I've spent most of the last week or so frantically building and painting some more Eldar for next weekends meet up. In most cases this involves a quick assembly followed by an airbrushed basecoat (and in this case excessive use of elastic bands to hold together a couple of Wave Serpents will the glue dries).

Rather than turn up to a game with models blu-tacked to bases* I now like to try and get models stuck down, however this does necessitate the bases be painted (for ease of painting).

*Yes I have done this in the past.

As I have very little to show this week here is a quick run down of how I paint the bases for my models.

The finished article

So starting from the beginning. The bases have been made using random offcuts of cork, mixed in with gravel from the GW Basing Kit and some fine sand. Once sealed with a thinned coat of PVA glue the bases are then sprayed with a coat of grey primer. Once this has dried they are then painted as follows:

Basecoat with Adeptus Battlegrey
Wash with Agrax Earthshade

Drybrush with Adeptus Battlegrey

Drybrush with Dawnstone

Drybrush with Administratum Grey

Drybrush with Rakarth Flesh
And that is it. From here they just need the edges painted (I use a mix of Adeptus Battlegrey and Abbadon Black). After I have completed the model I usually add snow to the bases but you could easily add flock instead if so desired.


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