Sunday 26 October 2014

Dark Eldar - Raider - WIP #1

I've taken a bit of a break from Rakarth to have a play with one of the Dark Eldar raiders I have kicking around. It provided me with a good opportunity to test out the Army Painter spray paints as I have never used them before. Colour me impressed as it not only provided a good solid base to work from but it also dried pretty fast and colour matched the corresponding paint pot perfectly (just as they said it would. Always nice when that happens).

It also takes their Ink range and paints beautifully. The (somewhat bizarrely taken,) photo below show the raider chassis prior to assembly. I'm incredibly impressed with how smooth the whole thing looks so far. All that is needed now is to glue the chassis together, highlight along the joins and then give the whole thing a glaze or two of Bloodletter to really 'make it pop'.

Below is a close up of the base, made out of a mix of cork pieces, GW scenery, gravel and sand. To finish off I'll be adding snow (as with my Space Wolves).

With another meet up coming up in two weeks I am now switching my focus to my Eldar in an attempt to get a few more bits built up. This will include a couple of Wave Serpents and some Dire Avengers.


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