Sunday 21 June 2015

Horus Heresy - Shattered Legion - Paint In Progress #5

With a nice little two week break under my belt (thanks to a brief holiday and other real life commitments) I've managed to return to the Shattered Legion and started to put the finishing touches to the Tactical Squad.

For the most part this has meant tidying up the final details, such as adding on the bolters, and finishing up pouches, drake skins and the like.

The Drake skin has been highlighted with Rakarth Flesh, followed by a second highlight with white mixed in. It was given a light wash with Agrax Earthshade to tie it all together.

The bolter casing have been based with a black/grey mix, followed by edge highlights of Dawnstone and Astronomican Grey. The metal areas were done as per the original guide. Once I had highlighted both the black and the metal I washed liberally in Nuln Oil.

Any leather areas were highlighted with Steel Legion Drab. A second highlight was painted with white added to the drab. Again these areas were washed with Agrax Earthshade post highlights.

Legionnaire #1
Legionnaire #2
The legion symbol was kept reasonably crude (the reasoning being to show battle damaged nature of the armour). I did edge the symbol in Ceramite White to make it stand out.

Salamander Legion Symbol
Finally the armour has been getting an edge highlight touch up. I've also used the old GW Rotting Flesh paint to add a final highlight to the most obviously raised edges in an attempt to bring out the detail further.

Salamander Legionnaires
At the same time I have continued to work on the Contemptor, highlighting up segments of the armour to the same level.

Salamanders Contemptor


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