Sunday 23 November 2014

Horus Lupercal - WIP #2

I decided to get some more work done on the Horus Lupercal model that I picked up at least years Forgeworld Open Day. Seeing as he's been stuck in a box since I last did any work (back in June) it seemed like a good idea. This update shows the beginning of the work on the armour tone and a start on how I'll be painting each Eye of Horus.

The metal areas were painted with a variety of Scale 75 metallic. Once thinned these paint are quite translucent so I painted a basecoat of Leadbelcher in order to give me a good base to work from. (The fact that they are so translucent is actually great for blending as you can use the thinned paints almost as a wash or a glaze though this applies more to the Eye of Horus than the metal areas). On the metal areas the washes were still done with Nuln Oil as it just really helps to get into the recesses and shade accordingly. A few glazes of Agrax Earthshade helped to adjust the tone a little bit in the more shadowed areas as well.

With the Eye so far I have used several tones from the Scale 75 Blood & Red set, with some GW Carroburg Crimson glazed onto the deeper areas and GW Dorn Yellow used for the fine edge highlights. I'm still playing with this area though and may well glaze it back up to more orange tones as I go forward.


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