Wednesday 20 March 2013

Work In Progress...

I've not had a lot of time to devote to painting over the last month or so, what with real life generally getting in the way. Not that I am complaining, but sometimes I've actually had the urge to paint and found myself far from bush and water pot.

That being said, over the last weekend I've managed to sit down for a longish painting session, and whilst I have nothing finished from that weekend I've progressed on several sets of models.

Most of it follows on from the list mentioned in my last update, but also a few bits for Warhammer Quest have found themselves lavished with my attention.

So without further ado or prattle...

First up some new WHQ pieces. I'm focusing on the Greenskin side of things, and figuring that these will be handled a lot I've not gone into my usual 'perfectionist' mode so these guys are a few finishing touches away from complete.


Also managed to get a bit more paint on some Space Wolves for the upcoming Zone Mortalis games with Rictus & Maelstrom (Ulrik will be used as a standard Wolf Priest):


And finally, I've now started work on a test Sedition Wars Samaritan:

With some more free time over the coming weekend, hopefully I'll be able to crack on with these some more... Famous last words...


  1. haven't painted the Space Pups face...

    Are you going to paint the Quest bases in brighter colours like the Quest floor tiles?

    1. Soon mate soon...

      Not on these ones no, maybe on other sets of models. I quite like keeping them muted though.

    2. Fair enough, though on the gobbos the base and cloaks are very similar in colour it seems which looks a bit odd.
