Wednesday 20 February 2013


Since my last update I've been gaily playing away with my recently received copy of Studio McVey's Sedition Wars. There's been mixed commentary so far, with people seemingly having issues with model quality, warped boards, offset printing. All I can say is that from what I have seen so far it appears that these faults are not indicative of the sets as a whole.

I ended up purchasing 3 copies of the 'Biohazard' level pledge on Kickstarter, 2 for me and one for a mate. Of my copy the only issue I have had is a mild offset on the printing of the counters (my mates copy was perfect, the git). I have yet to open the second copy mind so there could be issues there.

The models are absolutely brilliant, not in the same league as the resins but not far off at all. Cleaning them up is a bit of a pain as the plastic is pretty tough, and being used to GW stock it's a bit of a learning curve in its own right. As it stands I've nearly assembled all the basic Vanguard models ready for a little bit of gap filling prior to airbrushing.

In the meantime I've started on the bases. The Studio McVey forums has a small but talented community, and it's from this that I've taken inspiration for my base style, albeit with some slight tweaks.

Airbrushed over a grey undercoat up to white and then washed with dark grey and black wash, stippled with some browns and blues. Finally OSL blue lighting has been applied. Still on the to do list is apply blood smears and splatter and some detail work to the larger base.

Finally in a vain attempt to be a bit more organised, I've taken a look at what is on the my table at the moment and come to the following decisions regarding what I should focus my efforts on over the next couple of months:

Painting Goals

Finish Night Lord Commission (sans base)
Finish Pre-Heresy Dark Angel Chap

Finish Space Wolves to 750pts:
- Rune Priest
- Terminators
- Grey Hunter Pack 1
- Grey Hunter Pack 2
- Wolf Priest
- Dreadnought (use existing metal unless time to build plastic)

Do Vanguard from Sedition Wars
- 4 Characters
- 17 Samaritans
- Hurley

- Plan Inq28 Model*

*The Inq28 model is a mini-challenge between myself, Rictus and Maelstrom to see what sort of conversion we can come up. Bearing in mind the conversion pedigree of both the guys, I'm in for a stiff challenge!

1 comment:

  1. Where is the obligatory face?

    Tell you what, why don't you paint all mine (and Mealstroms I suppose) bases so that all the sets are uniform?
