Sunday 31 August 2014

Deadzone - Plague Stage 1 & 2 - WIP #1

Not so much progress on the Space Wolves this week, I now have 5 Terminators painted to the standard seen in the previous post. In my mind this doesn't translate as a blog worthy update however.

Likewise I have 8 new Grey Hunter models assembled, but unfortunately lacked the opportunity to photograph them in time for the post today.

Instead I've got some WIP photo's of the Stage 1 & 2 Plague from Deadzone.

The armour is a basecoat of Usbanti Bone followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade.

These have then been drybrushed using various levels of Ushbanti bone mixed with Ceramite White, with glazes of Carroburg Crimson painted into the deepest recesses. The idea being to create fleshy areas in the deeper parts of the armour plates

I'm off on holiday for the next couple of weeks, however I might find time for a couple of small posts.


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