Sunday 9 December 2012

A Flirtation with Fenris...

Well I seem to have picked up a few followers from last time. Hi everyone, come on in and make yourselves feel at home! Thanks for watching.

Over the course of my years in the hobby, there are two armies that have always grabbed my attention. Dark Eldar, which to this day are the only army I have ever painted more than 2000pts of (albiet the older style models, painted about 12 years ago!) The other is Space Wolves.

For me (and many others I'm sure), painting Space Marines can be kinda boring. Lots of armour plates and very little that differentiates a rank and file trooper. Which for somebody that bores easily when painting the same thing... well I imagine you get the drift... Wolves have character and are all about being unique. Which makes them an immediate shoe-in for some Nife lovin'...

Over the years I have painted several schemes, at various level of skill, as you can see from the following pictures:

Long Fang circa 2008 - using the more traditional scheme.Very basic, closely following the prescribed colours. For me a bit too bright.

Long Fang Sergeant - circa 2010. Funny blue tint just shows how bad my photo skills are! Bit darker armour this time, and a more appropriate basing scheme for an army who's home is an ice planet!

Dreadnought also from 2010. Same scheme as the Sergeant. On both models I did the pelts in a grey hue, as a deliberate attempt to keep the palete on the colder side.

Which leads me on to today, and the next 'evolution' in my ongoing affair with the Wolves. These guys have a much darker armour (using a variation on a recipe I shamelessly nicked from a thread on BolterandChainsword)

First up a WIP of a small Grey Hunter Pack:

These guys will be armed with bolters. My hope is to add some 'holstered' chainswords to their backpacks once done.

Finally one of my Wolf Guard, a bit further on in the painting process, and to give some idea of what the finished force will look like:

The force itself is primarily to be used for Zone Mortalis so lots of Flame units are inbound, with possibly an updated version of the Dreadnought to combat Maelstroms Hellbrute... Ok it might not be the most effective unit, but who doesn't want to see a Dreadnought crashing around?!


  1. Holy crap. This cannot be a update I see before me...? Will the Grey Hunters be getting any wolf tails or other puppy additions?

    My eventual ZM force will have a contemptor or two so there will be plenty of dread on dread action.

    1. Yes indeed, it is an honest to god update! Who'd have thought!

      There are some minor pup additions already, the parts used are a mix of MkIV Forgeworld and Space Wolf Bitz. How much further I'll do I am unsure, quite liking the understated look at the mo.

  2. Hmm... Was there a particular reason why you went with the grey scheme rather than the bluer scheme that you were using in 2010-11?



    1. No particular reason no - I think I've always looked for something dark and cold. This latest scheme is, for me, the one that fills that criteria the most.

  3. You......update.......I'm speechless, you've even managed to paint 5 marines since the ,eet up :P

    Go on update the dread not like its a threat to my corsairs given how badly you roll dice haha

    When we going to see the test model for those heresy era ultra marines you've been promising?

    1. Heresy Era Ultramarines... Hmm... I may have a head painted for that one...

  4. Hello there!
    I've been planing to get some space wolfs for myself and you very last colour scheme looks pleasing to my sight, so, could you share it with me? not particular tuttorial just paints that you were using and sequence, please ))

    1. Sure thing (Using the old GW names here):

      Airbrushed on a layer of Charonite Granite followed by a coat of Adeptus Battlegrey.

      Edge Highlighted with Codex Grey, then Fortress Grey with a final edge highlight of a 1:1 mix of Ice Blue and Bleached Bone.

      Finally glazed with a few layers of Blue Shade mixed with glaze medium.

      The Terminator has had a mix of Scorched Brown and Chaos black painted into the recesses. I've not yet done this on the Grey Hunters tho.
