Monday 26 November 2012


Having been 'politely' badgered to restart my blog (or in this case, start a blog - this thing has sat here empty for a year give or take) by Rictus and Maelstrom, I hereby announce this blog up and running!

I think it is also worth pointing out that the use of 'Occasional' in the title is in no way for artistic effect. As both the afformentioned people will attest, I have a tendancy for forgetting what a paint brush looks like for extended periods of time.

In the meantime, I've been steadily working on a commission piece - a Night Lord Chosen. Work In Progess shot below:

Lots still to do, re-edging the gold and armour panels, adding lightning effect, power claw detailing and a few other odds and sods.

All in all, at my speed, this should be done sometime circa 2031...


  1. I'm impressed you have actually listened to us and started up the blog :P

    Really taken with that Night lord, the head swap works really well. Come on go for a record and get him painted up by 2014 ;)

  2. Can't take credit for the head swap - my 'client' did the conversion - does work really well I agree.

    2014... Nah, I've been told I can take my time on this :P

  3. Looks reaaly nice though I would like the bone areas darker.
    What colour did you use for the edge highlight?

  4. A good looking start Nife. Maybe you should pop up a quizz like Rictus' rivet count on conversions. It'll need to be called "best before Nife date". I bid 2016 at the earliest ;)

  5. Kiour - thanks. I'm also not happy with the bone yet. I think it needs to be light for contrast, but in places it is still very flat.

    The edging on the blue? That is Fenrisian Grey.

    Gonzo - Haha! Yeah, might not be a bad idea. I'll be past my best before date by the time I finish anything anyway.

  6. Very nice Night Lord. Good to see some more of your work; last time I popped onto the Ammobunker, your painting log hadn't been updated since last June!


