Sunday, 17 August 2014

Space Wolves - Wolf Guard Terminator - WIP #2

Last week myself Rictus and Maelstrom had our semi-regular meetup. New games were tried (Deadzone and Infinity), castles were explored and Maelstrom bought a sword. I also failed to post an update for the first time this year. This was in part due to the meet up but also due to me having nothing new to show.

This week however I am back on the painting track as it were and have been continuing to play with some Space Wolves. The gold has been repainted, as well as the bone areas and I've added some basic battle damage to the armour.

Below are some close ups of some of the battle damaged areas. I started off by sponging Steel Legion drab onto areas that I wanted to damage up. This was followed by painting over these areas with Leadbelcher in a fairly haphazard manner. Finally any sharp edges were given a highlight of Runefang Steel.


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