Sunday, 29 June 2014

Sedition Wars - Strain Revenants - Complete

And by complete I mean it in the loosest sense of the word. In this case I have them at a good solid gaming standard, so in that sense they are complete. Knowing me I'll probably want to revisit and enhance the paint job at a later date (something I really should learn to reserve for the resin copies I have.)

Since last week I have tidied up the flesh, highlighted the muscles and put a basic paint job onto the bases. At this stage I plan to move onto more from the box (in this instance the four Quasimodo's).

Things to do in the future to improve them:

  • Highlight the skin with one more highlight tone
  • Highlight the trousers
  • Add gore and pus etc.
  • Improve quality of the bases.
In fact that is an approach to painting that I often take. I will get a model to a decent standard, by which point I am pushing boredom, then revisit at a later date when my drive to improve them has returned. (I am currently doing this with the Morgan Vade model from a much earlier post.

Aside from staving off boredom I find it a great way to enhance a model as my skills improve, without ever having to strip the paint from a model and start again.

I found a fantastic post on massivevoodoo the other day talking about how to take good photo's. Needless to say I have yet heed the advice laid out in it, hence the odd out of focus parts of the following shots:

One of each type painted so far

Group shot. There is one more Revenant sculpt in the box,
something I'll revisit after doing a few of the other types


  1. Looking good, shame there isn't much variety in the poses though. Not tempted to convert any of them before painting?

    1. Maybe in the future, but the goal is just to get a decent painted set done for playing the game with. Got plenty of the things to convert later on for sure.
