Sunday, 8 June 2014

Sedition Wars - Phaedrus Chirurge - WIP #6

In the few hours I've had available to painting this week I have made steady progress on Phaedrus, with the bone and tubing areas the next to get a lick of paint.

One thing I have found so far is that the details on these models is so fine that metallic paints (of the GW variety at least,) struggle to work well without either blotting out some of the details or once shaded not working right at all (the dulled look ends up being too dark, which on a model this size really doesn't work).

The Strain are supposed to be an amalgamation of tech and flesh, and as such I did attempt to do all the tubing in metallic, but it just doesn't work in the context of the piece I think, so I am going to do some of the tubing to make it organic (which is what the official Studio McVey scheme has done). I intend to keep a small area of metallic because there are a few places it does work however.

More and more I see this piece as a tester for painting the Studio McVey resins (I have a lot of the Sedition Wars ones, as well as several other limited edition sculpts). Worst case I can always strip the model later and start again.

In fact this model in general is starting to suffer a bit from paint build up in places, but I'll keep plugging away.


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