Sunday, 9 March 2014

Deadzone - Plague WIP #2

So after the disappointing results from last week I went back to the drawing board. In this case it meant surfing the web for some inspiration and revisiting the Plague skin. I definitely wanted to keep it to an unhealthy pallor, and finally came across a blog with a skin tone that was close to what I was trying to achieve.

After a minor tweak I went to work. Pictures below.


The skin is a basecoat of Rakarth Flesh. This was then shaded with a 1:1 mix of Druchii Violet and Agrax Earthshade. Before having the Rakarth Flesh reset and highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Rakarth Flesh and White Scar (white).

The plan is to do several highlight stages with the last mix, with a light glaze between each highlight stage (a 1:1 mix of the shade tone and glaze medium to keep it thin and not too shiny).

Much happier with the results.

Hopefully the Stage 3 will be finished in the next week or so. After that for the Plague will be the Stage 1 & 2 models.


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